Monday, December 8, 2008

Well Morgan is 26 and 1/7 weeks today. He is still at 1 pound 11 ounces...hasn't gained any weight in the past two days, but he hasn't lost any either which is good. I spent the morning at the hospital with him. There are no significant changes to report. The doctors said it's good that things are boring. Boring is good in the NICU. They are continuing with feedings every four hours into his feeding tube. An xray of his bowels yesterday looked good. They did another head scan this morning, I should get he results of that tomorrow morning. That's all for now. Thanks again to everyone for the love and support!


Lynn said...

I'm glad everything is going well!

How did things turn out with the open valve in his heart? The last I heard they were going to administer some medicine to see if that would help?

Hang in there!


Donna said...

Amanda, I have restarted my initiative to collect pull tabs for the Ronald McDonald House! After years of collecting them, I was slacking off some. I have everyone at work collecting them as well. Kind of like giving blood. You just never know when someone you know will need that kind of support! I am so glad that the RMcD house is comfortable. I hope that you have been able to form a support group of sorts with some of the other parents in the NICU. And yes, we always say that boring is good in the medical field. Personally, I love boring! You have a little fighter on your hands and apparently some wonderful caregivers at the hospital. You be sure to take care of yourself as well as Morgan. Love you, Donna