Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Morgan surpassed his birth weight

Today started with my typical routine. I went to the hospital this morning and sat by Morgan's bedside for a while. I always check his weight on the spreadsheet every morning. This morning he weighed 1 pound 15 ounces...he surpassed his birth weight and is almost at 2 pounds!! My aunt and uncle (Barbara and Dave) and my paternal grandmother came to visit today. The "A" pod of the NICU where Morgan is was very busy today. It is now full with tiny babies. I kept feeling like we were in the way but the nurses and doctors are always happy to see family. After spending time with Morgan we all ate lunch in the cafeteria and then took a tour of the Ronald McDonald house.
We happened to be there when the doctors did rounds and overall Morgan is doing well. The value near his heart that had closed with medicine can reopen. They are going to do an echo to see if it has reopened. His last head scan on Monday looked good. He still isn't pooping like he should be but the nurse said that is also a common problem in premies. They are also going to check his biliruben levels to see if he is jaundice again, he may have to go back under the lights. Everyone warned me that it would be a roller coaster ride. Once one problem is corrected it can reappear later on but the nurses reassure me that this is normal with premature babies.


Allison said...


You are doing such a great job. We are so proud of you and Morgan and are thinking about you everyday. I can't wait to see him again!

We Love You,

Donna said...

Amanda, Celebrate each and every milestone! Morgan passed the 26 week mark and has surpassed his birth weight! What a great week! I just hope that all his weight gain is not due to the fact that he is FOS (that's one of those medical acronyms meaning he is full of sh--!) Love you, donna

Lynn said...

Fantastic news! Glad to hear Morgan's doing so well!
