Saturday, December 27, 2008

Morgan is one month old today

I hope everyone had a good Christmas. Brad came down to Charlottesville on Christmas eve to see Morgan and spend time with me. Brad got to hold Morgan for the first time on Christmas eve, he really enjoyed that. I have some pictures that I will upload later. We both went home Christmas afternoon to spend time with family. My sister and mom came down this morning to see Morgan, he has really grown. He is up to 2 pounds 15 ounces...almost 3 pounds! He is really filling out now. They started his feedings again yesterday and so far so good. I really think the next big hurdle is getting him off of the ventilator. His settings aren't as low as they would like but I guess they are slowly lowering them. The doctors seemed to be contemplating giving him a dose of steroids but are hesitant to do that if he is able to lower the settings and come off of the ventilator himself. That is about all that is going on here. I'll try to post pictures soon.


Rhonda said...

Amanda, it was so good to see you Friday. You are so strong to be handling this difficult time in your life so well. Sorry Brad & Marcus couldn't join us. I think it's so encouraging that Morgan has gained so much weight the first month. We look forward to watching his progress and meeting him in January.
Love to all, Rhonda