Sunday, January 25, 2009

Exciting Times

Hi all! Well Morgan is doing AWESOME! He was extubated again on Wednesday January 21st and has done awesome since then. I was a little nervous because the last time didn't go so well but this time he is doing much better. Yesterday the nurse took off his CPAP helmet so we could see his whole face. He did pretty well with nothing but he was working too hard at breathing. Today while my mom and I were holding Morgan the nurse put him on just the nasal cannula so we could see his face again and he did well on that too. They still put his CPAP back on after we were done holding him because they don't want to push him too fast to prevent a major set back. I am so relieved his breathing is improving because I knew that would be his biggest hurdle. He is still eating well and is up to 4 pounds 2.5 ounces and 15 inches long. He might soon graduate to another NICU pod where the "big boys" are where the main focus is eating and getting bigger to get ready to go home. He still won't come home until March but we are getting there! Other big new is that Brad got to change his first diaper for Morgan.

There was a new born baby next to Morgan when Brad and I went to visit him Friday night that ended up not making it. I am not sure how old the baby was, it looked small but it was a reminder how lucky we are that Morgan is doing well. I added the pictures I took this weekend. There is also a video of Morgan hiccuping, it was hilarious, it was so high pitched. It might be a little hard to hear because the doctors were talking in the background.


Mom Mom said...

Morgan, I am so glad you are doing so well. We are all excited that you are off the ventilator and will possibly graduate to the next pod soon. You are looking just adorable. I love you and can't wait until you come home. Love Mom Mom

Lynn said...

Wonderful news about the ventilator! I'm so glad to hear that Morgan is continuing to grow and improve!

Mandi said...

TOO HILARIOUS!!! Gotta love those silly sounding baby noises!