Monday, January 5, 2009


Hey everyone. Well lets see....Morgan is up to 3 pounds 8 ounces!!! He is getting huge which I am so excited about. He is tolerating his feeds very well so he should keep putting on more weight. They decreased his ventilator settings again today so he is on the right track. We found out the other day that he has a hernia on one side for now, that they will just keep an eye on and operate on right before he goes home.

Unfortunately I will have to go back to work on January 22nd, my maternity leave is over and I want to save my paid time off for when he comes home. I also get 10 working days of parental leave which I can take when he comes home. So starting the end of January I will go down maybe one weeknight and then on weekends to see him. I know he is in good hands with the doctors and nurses down there and I will be ready here to take care of him when he comes home.


Lynn said...

Wow! Morgan has almost doubled his weight! Fantastic!

I'm sorry you need to head back to work so soon. I'd still love to come visit, if you'd still like the company.

Hang in there!


Anonymous said...

Hi Amanda, Brad and Marcus.

WOW Morgan is doing great! I'm so sorry to hear you have to go back to work also, that stinks. I know it will be hard to be away from him now.

If I can come down to visit, let me know or we can get together when you're back home in early Feb.

Hang in there! So happy to hear Morgan is gaining weight.

Adorable pictures you posted.

Rhonda said...

The pictures are adorable! I'm glad to hear that Morgan is doing so well. Hopefully it will help knowing that when you head back to work. I'm sure it will be difficult to be away from him. Take care.

Unknown said...

Hi Amanda,

I am so glad little Morgan is doing so well. I hope we see more pictures soon. We will be glad to have you back to work but I know you would rather be with Morgan. Our prayers are with Morgan.

Karen Murphy