Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Morgan's Progress

From the beginning, Morgan has exceeded the doctors' expectations. For the last 5 days he was breathing well with the help of a ventilator, which was now on the lowest setting. Because of his progress, at 3 pm on Tuesday, Dec. 2, the doctors decided to remove his breathing tube as a trial run. They warned that he might have to be reintibated but said that any break from the ventilator will help his lung development greatly.

It was exciting for us because as they were removing the tube and fitting his oxygen mask, Amanda and I got to see his whole face for the first time. I think he looks like Brad, but I guess only time will tell:).

Morgan did very well breathing with only the oxygen mask for the afternoon and all the tests of his respiratory system came back perfectly. They expected that after resting for the evening and overnight that Amanda would be able to hold him for the first time in the morning on Wednesday. However, because his little body doesn't have the stamina to continue breathing on his own, he was reintibated early this morning. While a little disappointing, it is not considered a setback because he is still doing extremely well for his age.

There is also other good news! Morgan had a brain scan done at one day old, last Friday, and the results indicated that he had bleeding on one side of his brain. We were all worried but found out on Sunday that the bleeding had resolved itself. However, yesterday the doctors reviewed the inital scan results again and determined that they were misread and that there had been little to no bleeding in his brain at all. Because the long term effects of any bleeding is not known, we were glad to hear that news.

Also, as most babies lose weight after birth, Morgan dropped down to 1 lb 8 oz. But as of Tuesday, he started gaining weight again and was at 1lb 10.5 oz. We can't wait for him to continue bulking up:).


Donna said...

Amanda, Great news! I hope you can rest easier knowing that Morgan is doing so well at my alma mater! (can alma mater be used to denote the hospital I trained at?)Love you, Donna