Saturday, April 4, 2009

Morgan is home!!

Hi everyone. I just wanted to give a quick update to let you know that Morgan came home yesterday. His discharge had been talked about for the past week but I could never get a final word from the doctors. I called Friday morning to see about him going home and the nurse talked to the doctor and called back and said he would be discharged when ever we came to get him. Well of course Brad and I left work early to go get him. He enjoyed the car ride home but last night he didn't sleep very much. He just needs to get used to the new surroundings so hopefully tonight will go better. I will post more later.


Anonymous said...

Congrat's on bringing baby Morgan home on Fri. WOOHOO. I hope it's going better for Morgan at home. Can't wait to see him at home in his new surroundings.


Unknown said...

Congratulations, Amanda! I've been wondering if he was home whenever I don't see you logged in at work :) I hope you thoroughly enjoy your time off at home with Morgan! It flies by so fast!